Still here! Still working!

I have been really busy lately, but I have not forgotten my shirts.  I have been confabbing with my darling partner and have decided to slim down the designs I’m going to offer.  At least at first.  So my focus is going to be on the couples shirts designs, since the singing/farting dogs was my inspiration and the first shirts I wanted to make.

the dogs- pic takin outside

the dogs- pic takin outside

We’re going to keep it to a couple different designs: The farting/singing dogs, a squirrel and some nuts (get it? get it?), a beaver with a log of wood (eh-heh-heh!), and then I’m not sure what could go with a porcupine, or something with an elephant? Also tossing around the idea of a cat with “It fits” and a box with “I sits”, a la:

fits sits

I think 4 or 5 designs is a good start, and then when things take off I can expand.  The great thing is I already have stencils for the beaver and squirrel from my spirit animal line!

elephant spirit animal

elephant spirit animal

I have a bunch of animal stencils which will be multi-purpose.  Wicked!

Here are some pictures of my latest attempts at photography.  Taken with my little cannon, outside in natural lighting, on some big chairs.  I was experimenting.  It’s a process.

still need to iron

still need to iron

elephant shirt display 2I hope I can have more updates soon!